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Data for Dentistry

Forecast future months.
Recover lost visits. 


Dentistry powered by data.

We started life with the mission to make the UK healthcare industry more data-driven.

Our goal is to assist dental practices using their data to keep them competitive and boost growth.


Data Ravens' dashboard and analytics monitoring provide monthly insights on your practice and further suggestions based on wider industry and specific regional data.



Making up lost ground.

Forecasting future months and recovering lost patient visits has become even more important for practices that want to take control of their results, strategise and grow.


Finding out where things have gone wrong and mending or filling the gaps is a key part of our work. We look at your data and figure out where things are going wrong.

Anticipating and planning.

Without tracking practice numbers and analytics, operational strategising is infinitely more challenging. The ability to make quick decisions as information changes is much much tougher without data to guide practices.


We provide plans and recommendations tailored to each practice, based on their own operational data.



About Us




Data Monitoring

​Insights into practice performance is key to driving results at all levels.


We constantly monitor your practice’s performance and draft a detailed report once every month.

Patient Returns

Remember, it not only costs more in marketing and patient education to bring on new patients vs. those already in your database, but if your existing patients aren’t coming back, then there’s something in your process that needs attention.


Our clients can quickly view our assessment of their schedules, cancellations and use our reports to recapture lost patient visits and create more productive days by focusing on high-value treatment without neglecting other patients in need.

What We Offer

Digital Marketing

Analysing your practice data alongside wider industry trends, we can provide recommendations on which marketing opportunities are likely to be most effective for your practice.

Know Your Patients

Our simple but powerful visualised report organises your patients’ age, post code cluster, treatment, date they were seen in order to give you both micro and macro views of health trends by region, patient load and much more.


We provide practices with monthly action plans, suggesting things they can do to take advantage of any opportunities or combat any issues. We'll find the strength in your numbers!


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103c Camley St,



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